Discover Insights That Will Improve Your Poker Game

Win bigger and more often by tracking and analyzing your results with PokerCharts

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Log, Chart and Analyze

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Track your personal performance with a rich set of graphs against opponents for all of your poker sessions — online, casino, tournament and home games.

Play Smarter

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Discover where, when and against whom the advantage is tipped in your favor. Record keeping and analysis of session performance is critical to successful poker playing.

Use it Anywhere

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Looks great on smartphones and tablets. Log your sessions or check your notes and playing patterns against the opponents you are currently facing on-the-go.

Praise for PokerCharts

From players like you ...

"Boom. Quickbooks for Poker. I can't believe I tried to track this stuff in Excel."

Brian G.

"I didn't take long with PC for me to realize I absolutely sucked in certain limits against a group of players. My bankroll is fatter because of this software."

Rich N.

As featured in ...

Poker the real deal

by Phil Gordon

Internet poker for dummies

by Mark "The Red" Harlan

Try it Free for 30 Days

There is no clunky software to download and no messy spreadsheet to squint at.
Track and analyze your poker records for less than $3 per month after the free trial.

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